Paul Gibbs
My name is Paul. I'm 41 years old, a father of two and a husband to Daniela, my beautiful Mexican Love. I live on the outskirts of Sayulita, México and it's here that I discovered what it means to be alive, a human and create a life that I have value for, wish to grow and Love.
My life job is to share a passion into supporting and loving people that have gone through, continue to go through, or are just starting to look for support within their own discomforts.
From an early age, I had a very acute understanding and fear around what death was. This was the guiding force behind my entire life and to some extent continues to be so up to my present day, but in a very different way now. A close friend passed away 10 years ago and it was this accident that exploded all of my anxieties, depressions, insecurities and suicidal tendencies to the forefront. It was an insanely uncomfortable period of my life, but thankfully with a little divine intervention, I stumbled upon the beautiful and loving practice of Yoga.
I feel very fortunate to still be here with breath in my lungs and Love in my heart. I still have a long way to go, but I believe that these practices can also support all humans into finding our deeper truths.
This is my passion and this is my life's work, this is my Dharma.